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Hometown: London, England
Resides: Penisarwaun, Wales
Years Climbing: 8

‘To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.'
- Bertrand Russell


  • Rare Lichen E9 6c
  • Day of the Triffids E8 6c (2nd Ascent)
  • Staring at the Sun E7/8 6c, My Violent Desire E7 6c, Line in the Sand E7 6c (1st Ascents)
  • Astroman 5.11c onsight
  • In Heavin V12
  • Food Glorious Food V11 (1st Ascent)
  • Runnel Vision 8a 850m (1st Ascent) - Brazil
  • Ultima Thule E7 6c 400m (1st Free Ascent after major rockfall) - Norway
  • Rollito Sharma 8b+, Kalae Borroka 8b+, Geminis 8b+

I initially wanted to be a mountaineer and climb in the greater ranges and high mountains, however living in London at the time, the closest thing I had at my disposal was the indoor climbing wall and long-distance running. I picked up both around the age of 17 before focusing on rock climbing when I went to university in Wales. All of my early climbing was with friends at university, mostly in North Wales and entirely traditional climbing for the first 3 years. 

‘Having spare time to spend on things like climbing is something I hope never to take for granted. Every day out in the hills is a privilege and should be treated as such.'

I started broadening my climbing path after university with trips to larger crags such as the Verdon and Riglos, becoming increasingly more interested in big walls and sport climbing. I have spent most of my time climbing abroad in this style, however I shift focus back to traditional climbing and bouldering when home in Wales.

In my spare time I still enjoy running in the hills around my house and cooking. I have completed several ultra-distance fell races, including coming 9th in the Snowdonia Ultra marathon 2015.

I work as a therapeutic care practitioner with young people and savor every opportunity to introduce them to climbing, adventures and the outdoors.

James' Training Secret:

Not getting injured is the best way to get strong. Don't be scared to take a break, rest takes less time than rehab.


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