Clothing comes from a hand and a thread and we want to share with you - do you know where your clothes come from? Last year we started participating in the #WhoMadeMyClothes campaign in order to better inform our customers, like you, about our supply chain.Here at 3rd Rock we believe in transparency. As part of our company values we do our absolutely best to promote sustainability and ethical standards. Today marks the start of Fashion Revolution week, marking the anniversary of the Rana Plaza Factory collapse that resulted in the loss of 1138 lives of garment factory workers on 24th April, 2013. Since then Fashion Revolution Week has encouraged brands to share stories and be more transparent about the supply chains we use, so that you know who made your clothes.
What do we do to help promote ethical standards?
We'll be sharing with you some of the people who can say #IMadeYourClothes. Read on to find out a little bit more about our supply chain, specifically our factory in India. We also work with factories in Lithuania, Turkey & Portugal and we only work with factories that follow the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) base code.Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base code basics:
1. Employment is freely chosen
2. Freedom of association (=Unions)
3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic
4. Child labour shall not be used
5. Living wages are paid
6. Working hours are not excessive
7. No discrimination is practiced
8. Regular employment is provided
9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
What do we do to help promote sustainability?
We source our recycled fabrics from Europe and try to use as many local sources as possible.We always use 100% Organic Cotton in all of our cotton-based products.
We use recycled fabrics as much as possible for everything else. Our recycled fabrics are made from multiple products that would otherwise end up in a landfill, including carpets and fishnets. In our Spring Summer line, more than 12,000 plastic bottles will be recycled and repurposed to produce the beautiful garments that you will wear.
We label our products with swing tickets that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which means the paper comes from from responsibly managed forests.
We use recycled paper for our packaging and a biodegradable tape also made from recycled paper. This year we also phased out plastic garment bags and now use a sustainable ribbon.
Our prints are digitally printed with Oeko Tex Certified printing inks in Wales.
Where are my clothes made?
Our clothing is made in: Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal and India. We only work with factories that have good and safe working conditions. No child labour, ever. CHECK OUR LABELS. We want you to. Want more information? Write to us. We have an open door policy. Send your questions to info@my3rdrock.com, any time, any day.
Shakil helped make your clothes.
Shakil is 37 years old and is married with 3 children. His father also lives at home with the family. His home town in Motihari Bihar and his favourite foods are apples and partha bread with aloo brinjal. After a day at work he likes to relax with the family and watch his favorite TV show Kapil Shama.
Production samples being made in the factory in Portugal.

Gautam works on a pair of ROCKETEER shorts (coming soon).

Visits to the factory
More than just sharing who is behind the spinning wheel to your garments, Founder & Designer Jess Mor also makes sure to visit the factories herself. Clair, our other head of our production team, visits our factories annually. Here Jess chats with the workers, examines a sample of a ROCKETEER and feels the organic cotton first hand, that is used in your 3RD ROCK clothes. One of the core reasons behind starting Jess and Guy starting 3RD ROCK was to start a brand to combat the negative sides of the fashion industry - environmental abuses, human rights violations, poverty & illness - Jess made it her personal mission to create an alternative type of clothing brand to make a difference. Jess and Nizam chatting about threads.
Founder & Designer Jess examining fabric.

The team hard at work on your Summer Light Collection.
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Apr 25, 2019